Andreas de Barros
Andreas de Barros
Helping Students Learn at Home
I conduct a cluster-randomized trial to study the effectiveness of a large-scale effort to avert learning loss, and potential complementarities of home-based learning solutions with schools’ prior exposure to educational technology.
Andreas de Barros
Learning by Doing?
We conducted a cluster-randomized trial to study the effects of an innovative program in Karnataka, India, that promotes activity-based learning through teacher training, community engagement, and additional inputs.
Andreas de Barros
Johanna Fajardo-Gonzalez
Paul Glewwe
Ashwini Sankar
Long-Term Impacts of Alternative Approaches to Increase Schooling
This randomized trial investigates the long-term effects of a primary school scholarship program in rural Cambodia, nine years after program inception.
Felipe Barrera-Osorio
Andreas de Barros
Deon Filmer
The Learning Lab
Using a computer-assisted learning software in India, we ran rapid-cycle randomized evaluations that shed light on the merits of intuitively appealing yet largely untested educational strategies.
Andreas de Barros
Alejandro J. Ganimian
Karthik Muralidharan
Anuja Venkatachalam
Do Students Benefit from Blended Instruction?
This experimental study investigate the causal impact of a statewide program, which provides teachers with resources and training to blend their instruction with video-based learning materials.
Andreas de Barros
Changes – Mixed-methods evidence on determinants of shifts in teaching behaviors among Zambia’s public-school teachers
We conduct 78 in-depth interviews with education personnel in Zambia’s public schools and combine thematic coding with unsupervised machine learning to explore determinants of changes in teachers’ instructional practices.
Andreas de Barros
Junita Henry
Jacqueline Mathenge